The right to access information
The right to access information and reuse information is exercised in accordance with the Law on the right to access information ("Official Gazette", number 25/13 and 85/15).
The aim of the Act is to enable and ensure the exercise of the right to access to information guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, as well as to the reuse of information by natural and legal persons through the openness and publicity of the actions of public authorities.
The right to access information is based on the principles of publicity and free access, timeliness, completeness and accuracy of information, the principle of equality, the principle of information disposal, the principle of mutual respect and cooperation and, in accordance with Article 5 paragraph 1 point 5 of the Act, "includes the user's right to requesting and obtaining information, as well as the obligation of the public authority to provide access to the requested information, i.e. to publish information independently of the request when such publication results from an obligation determined by law or other regulation".
Information, in the sense of the aforementioned Law (Article 5, Paragraph 1, Item 3), represents "any data that is owned by a public authority in the form of a document, record, file, register, regardless of the way it is presented (written, drawn, printed , recorded, magnetic, optical, electronic or some other record), which was created by the body alone or in cooperation with other bodies or obtained from another person, and which was created within the scope of work or in connection with the organization and work of the public authority".
Reuse of information, in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 1, point 6 of the Law "means the use of information of public authorities by natural or legal persons, for a commercial or non-commercial purpose different from the original purpose for which the information was created, which is realized in the framework of a scope or work that is usually considered public work, determined by law or other regulation. The exchange of information between public authorities for the purpose of performing tasks within their scope does not constitute reuse".
The request for the right to access and reuse information can be submitted to the Development Agency of the Heart of Istria, the information officer:
In writing to the address:
Development Agency Heart of Istra d.o.o.
Prolaz Jože Šurana 3, 52000 Pazin
By e-mail: on the Request for access to information form
By phone at the number:
+385 91 494 4200
or bring in person on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the address Prolaz Jože Šurana 3, 52000 Pazin
Information officer:
Petra Pekica, director
The Development Agency Heart of Istra has the right to compensation for the actual material costs incurred by providing information to the user of the right to access and reuse information, as well as compensation for the costs of delivering the requested information.
The amount of the fee for access to information and reuse of information is determined in accordance with the criteria from Article 19, Paragraph 3 of the Law on the Right to Access to Information.
The right to access information is governed by:
General regulations
1. Constitution of the Republic of Croatia ("Official Gazette", number 56/90, 135/97, 08/98, 113/00, 124/00, 28/01, 41/01, 55/01, 76/10, 85/ 10, 05/14),
2. Law on the right to access to information ("Narodne novine", number 25/13, 85/15),
3. Law on archival materials and archives ("Official Gazette", number 105/97, 64/00, 65/09, 144/12),
4. Law on copyright and related rights ("Official Gazette", number 167/03, 79/07, 80/11, 125/11, 141/13, 127/14),
5. Media Act ("Narodne novine", number 59/04, 84/11, 81/13),
6. Law on General Administrative Procedure ("Official Gazette", No. 47/09),
7. Law on the State Administration System in Relations between Administration and Citizens ("Official Gazette", No. 150/11, 12/13, 93/16, 104/16),
8. Law on Confidentiality of Data ("Narodne novine", No. 79/07, 86/12),
9. Law on administrative disputes ("Narodne novine", no. 20/10, 143/12, 152/14, 94/16, 29/17),
10. Personal Data Protection Act ("Narodne novine", no. 103/03, 118/06, 41/08, 130/11, 106/12),
11. Law on the Protection of Data Confidentiality ("Official Gazette", number 108/96),
12. General tax law ("Narodne novine", number 115/16),
13. Rulebook on the content and method of keeping records of exclusive rights to re-use information ("Narodne novine", number 20/16)
14. Rulebook on the Central Catalog of Official Documents of the Republic of Croatia ("Narodne novine", number 124/15),
15. Ordinance on the structure, content and manner of keeping the official Register on exercising the right to access information and re-use of information ("Narodne novine", number 83/14),
16. Criterion for determining the amount of subsequent actual material costs and costs of information delivery ("Narodne novine", number 12/14, 15/14).
EU regulations
1. Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of November 17, 2003 on the reuse of public sector information,
2. Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the re-use of public sector information,
3. Directive amending Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the reuse of public sector information, 2013/37/EU,
4. Directive 2013/37/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 amending Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information Text with EEA relevance,
5. Consolidated Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of November 17, 2003 on the reuse of public sector information,
6. Consolidated Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the re-use of public sector information,
7. Guidelines on Recommended Standard Permits, Datasets and Document Reuse Charges 2014/C 240/01,
8. Guidelines on recommended standard licenses, datasets and charging for the reuse of documents 2014/C 240/01.
EU regulations
1. European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (MU 18/97, 06/99, 14/02, 13/03, 09/05, 01/06, 02/10)
Conditions for reuse of information:
1. The public authority provides the user with data for re-use without restrictions, for free use and in an open format.
2. In justified cases, the public authority can determine conditions for reuse. In the case of determining conditions for reuse, their content and application must not unreasonably limit the possibility of reuse, nor must they be used to limit market competition.
3. Conditions for reuse of information must not be discriminatory for the same or similar types of information, or for commercial or non-commercial use.
4. The same conditions as for other users apply to a public authority that reuses its information as a basis for commercial activities that do not fall within the scope of its public affairs.
5. The types and content of permits that determine reuse, in accordance with standard open permits, are regulated by the ordinance of the minister responsible for administrative affairs.
6. The public authority is obliged to publish on its website the licenses that determine the conditions of reuse or links to such licenses in accordance with standard open licenses.
Questionnaire for self-assessment of ZPPI implementation, 26/07/2023.
Annual reports: